Senior sessions will take place at various outdoor FM locations as well as my downtown Fargo natural light studio. Most sessions will be booked in the early evening during the months of July-September. I am available to travel outside of the area for an additional travel fee.
Prior to your session I will want to communicate with you to discuss your "looks" (outfits) and your location choices and ideas for your session. Looking through the senior posts on my blog can help you see the locations I have used in the past. We will spend about 45 minutes photographing each "look/location" on the day of your shoot.
The basic senior session fee includes 2 looks/locations as well as approximately 30-40 digital files. Additional looks and locations can be added on for $300 each.
This is a session for those of you who are not interested in the full senior experience but still want a selection of some killer senior photos. The mini session will take place at the studio on weekdays and include one outfit choice and approximately 10-15 digital images. Additional outfits and images can be added to this session for $250 each. In addition, you can choose to add on one outdoor downtown Fargo location to the mini session.